Delivery Information
If you do not select a delivery address in paypal your order will be subject to security checks.
In the UK these security checks can take up to 7 days to process.
If the order is International these security checks can take up to 21 days to process.
Your order will not be shipped until after these checks are completed.
If you open a paypal case during the security check period we will simply refund and cancel the order. If you check out without an address in paypal. Then the transaction is not eligible for fraud protection. And we must treat the order as we would a fraudulent transaction.
If you have any concerns about your order please use the live help box on the site to query. If we are offline please use it to send us an offline message. If you do not enter an email address in live help we will not be able to respond so please ensure you have filled livehelp out fully.